Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It's official...

I have some bad's official - Taylor Hicks is the American freakin Idol...I know only a handful of people knew this already, i'm one of the few viewers - thats why I'm telling everyone, well at least everyone reading this, which is no one because I haven't told anyone that it exists...i shall soon.

Taylor had at best the 6th best voice of the competition - though I must admit that he was one of the most entertaining contestants.

I bet you are asking yourself "well why in the world is Adam wasting a post on this if he hasn't posted in a month and only has 4 or so posts anyways?" Well, I say you are asking a good question, and a good question deserves a good answer. And I got good answers...

I think I deserve to post about this because not only have millions of other people written about American Idol the last 5 months...I have spent the last 5 months with American Idol. It sucked me in. I have spent more time with the contestants than I have with many of my family members...ever. They were my family - my crazy (paula), annoying (paula) and sexy (paula) family. Even my future wife was part of Idol this year...I wonder if she'll hyphenate her name - Katharine McPhee - Burgett. Man, I wish I had met her before she made it on the show and got famous - I hate hyphenated names, but I guess I'll get used to it.

Back to topic - think about it...some weeks Idol was on 5 hours...5 hours! Thats more than college students are in a class for one week. Because of this time commitment for busy college students, I am proposing that all colleges offer some sort of credit for Idol watchers. I'm even going to offer a sample syllabus for this new course in "Music, Culture and the American Dream."

Class Requirements:

Watch American Idol everytime it comes on, whether it is for 1.5 hours a week (final 10ish), 3 hours a week (last 2 + finale), or 5 hours a week (auditions/top 24).

Be prepared to discuss in class:

Contestants and song selection
Fashion yes's and no's of the night
Judge comments: were they fair?

Write one paper responding to the following comment: " It doesn't matter how good the contestants are, the producers pick the most marketable contestant to win and then keep the rights to the better singers so they can sign them a few months after the season is over."

Well, that's a start on the syllabus...

Monday, May 01, 2006

Movin' in with the Mormons...

Well, it is looking like I'll be living with the Mormon's for a couple of years starting in August 06....

The powers that be at the GBGM have placed me at Crossroads Urban Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. I don't think that I could have drawn up a better placement for myself in terms of the work that I'll get to do while at Crossroads. Check out the link above to see the type of work they do and I will get to participate in...

With that being said - it is in Salt Lake City, which actually my quick research has shown is not that bad of a town. Hopefully I'll get to use public transportation everywhere (which is a goal of mine for the 2 years) and won't have to take my truck on the 24 hour drive from Nashville to Utah. When I first heard Salt Lake City I was surprised - though not totally upset. I mentioned that I preferred to be in the northeast, but this placement is too good to pass up.

I have to schedule a phone interview with Crossroads in the next few days to finalize the placement. I am exicted, especially since I get to go somewhere where polygamy is semi-condoned...look out ladies...