Saturday, September 30, 2006

Buffalo Bill

This post is kind of a landmark post. Not only is this the fiftieth post on The Rumblings and Ramblings of Adam, it is the post that will knock my pro-polgamy rally post into the archives instead of on the main screen...sad day. That has been by far my most popular post. Oh well...

On Wednesday I, along with the Executive Director at Crossroads - Glenn, went to Denver to attend a Speaker's Bureau in the UMC Rocky Mountain Conference office there. It was a pretty cool day. I met quite a few people from the conference and even met another US-2. That was awesome! Unlike Salt Lake City, Denver isn't surrounded by mountains but there are some imposing and beautiful mountains there. I know that is a well kept secret but there are mountains in Denver. You probably haven't heard of them though. I think they are called something like the Rocky Mountains. Pretty obscure.

We had some free time so the Conference Treasurer took Glenn, myself, and a man from UMCOM who came down to help lead the Bureau to Buffalo Bill's burial site.

I knew little about Buffalo Bill before I saw his grave, and even met him (I have pictures!) but I did a little research when I got home. It turns out that Buffalo Bill, formerly known as William Cody, actually had to win his name in a Buffalo killing contest where he beat Bill Comstock, formerly Buffalo Bill, 69 to 48. He led a pretty cool life for that time, being part of the Pony Express, Civil War, and then his own Wild West - a circus-like traveling show. He died.

His tombstone thingie says he was buried in Colorado at his own request, but he actually wanted to be buried somewhere else. I think Wyoming. The state of Colorado promised Buffalo Bill's wife that they would pay off all of their unpaid debts in return for her allowing Bill (since I met him, we are on a first name basis) to be buried in Colorado. Colorado officials saw the tourist hotbed that this burial site would create. They were prophets. There were at least a dozen people there while we were.

There actually are a few things of interest at Buffalo Bill's grave. In the gift shop there was a stuffed buffalo. They are big. Also outside the gift shop there was this buffalo, not stuffed, but metal (I think, but the sign told me not to touch it so I couldn't confirm whether it is really a metal or not). The gentlemen I was with wouldn't allow me to break the rules and hop on the buffalo to pose for a picture.

Also as I mentioned earlier, I did get a chance to meet Buffalo Bill and his sidekick Annie Oakley. I knew you wouldn't believe me so I took pictures. Sadly, no one was a round to take the pictures of me with them so I had to settle for me taking a picture of them, thus, I wasn't able to get in the picture. Here they are.

Look at Buffalo Bill's fearsome grimace.


Blogger wicked said...

i was there a year ago1! -- chillin w/ buffalo bill at his grave, that is. i have some of those same pictures!! well, funny, but annie and bill looked a little different last fall...

9:11 PM  
Blogger Matthew said...

My old stompin grounds!! you were just up the road from where I grew up. Many jr. high friends lived up on Lookout Mtn. (site of the grave)
Go get 'em Bill!

10:27 AM  

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